Transcribed from: NOTE: As with most telegrams, superfluous words were omitted. This creates grammatical errors which are not part of the transcribing, but rather an inherent part of the telegram itself. At other times it appears words were mistakenly omitted from the original transmission. The parts enclosed in brackets [ ] were inserted by the State Dept.
861.00/2-246 : Telegram
Appeal begins with review of Communist Party policy in years preceding war. This is followed by survey of Soviet Union's new western boundaries and war gains in Far East. Victory in war is said to have been triumph of policy of Communist Party. Remainder of appeal proclaims following objectives of party policy and urges those who support these objectives to vote for bloc: Further strengthening of might of Soviet State, continued moral-political unity of all classes Soviet people, further consolidation of friendship among Soviet peoples, reattainment in shortest possible time of pre-war industrial level, increased agricultural production and culture and prosperity for collective farmers, increased output of food and consumers' goods and rise in material well-being of Soviet people, further development of education, science and art, reconstruction of devastated regions and creation of normal conditions of life for people living in them, further strengthening of armed forces and security of Soviet State. In latter section, appeal emphasizes that victory in war did not by itself assure future security of Soviet people since "There are still reactionary forces who are striving to sow discord and hostility among peoples". Therefore, it is necessary "vigilantly to preserve conquests of Soviet people in great patriotic war, firmly to defend interests of Soviet Union", and "jointly with democratic forces of other countries to fight for strengthening of collaboration of peaceloving powers, for eradication of all roots of Fascism for averting of all aggression in future". Appeal winds up as did 1937 appeal by urging voters, whether party members or nonparty, to vote with equal unanimity for Communist and nonparty candidates. February 10, it concludes, must be demonstration of unity of Soviet people with party of Lenin-Stalin.
31 For comments on the elections to the first Supreme Council in 1937, see Foreign Relations, The Soviet Union, 1933-1939, pp. 401-404.
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